About Myanmar



Myanmar,the Republic of the union of Myanmar,which is one of the countries in Southeast Asia and formerly known as Burma.The country covers an area of 677,000 square kilometres (261,228 square miles) ranging 936 kilometres (581 miles) from east to west and 2,051 kilometres (1,275 miles) from north to south.

It is a land of hills and valleys and is rimmed in the north, east and west by mountain ranges forming a giant horseshoe. Enclosed within the mountain barriers are the flat lands of Ayeyarwaddy, Chindwin and Sittaung River valleys where most of the country’s agricultural land and population are concentrated.

The length of contiguous frontier is 6,159 kilometres. The total length of Myanmar-Bangladesh boundary is 271 kilometres (168.7 miles). The total length of Myanmar-China boundary is 2,204 kilometres (1,370 miles); Myanmar-Thailand 2,107 kilometres (1,309.8 miles); Myanmar-India 1,338 kilometres (831.8 miles); and Myanmar-Laos 238 kilometres (147.9 miles).

The Population of Myanmar is over 60 million.There are 8 major national races in Myanmar which are the Kachin, the Kayah, the Kayin, the Chin , the Mon, the Bamar, the Rakhine, and the Shan.

Main religion is Buddhism and the rest are Christianity, Hinduism,Islam and Spiritualism. The main language of the country is Myanmar language and a union of 135 ethnic groups with their own languages and dialects. In Myanmar, the climate is Tropical monsoon; cloudy, rainy, hot, humid summers (southwest monsoon, June to September); less cloudy, scant rainfall, mild temperatures, lower humidity during winter (northeast monsoon, December to April).

Myanmar is pretty rich in natural resources such as Timber, tin, antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, limestone, precious stones like jade, ruby and sapphires, natural gas, hydro-power, and some petroleum. And it is mainly an agricultural country which produces Rice, pulses, beans, sesame, groundnuts, sugarcane, hardwood, fish and fish products, and now trying to build the industrialized country as well.

The Industries in Myanmar are Agricultural processing; knit and woven apparel; wood and wood products; copper, tin, tungsten, iron; construction materials; pharmaceuticals; fertilizer; cement.